Thursday 25 March 2010

The Presentation

In class we have been assigned to give a presentation on the infamous Jack The Ripper, a powerpoint comprised of a number of slides detailing the facts and fiction surrounding the character. At first I planned to analyse the films based on him but this proved too difficult because it is hard to narrow the details about him by just looking at the films.
Therefore i planned a presentation instead about just why people are so intrigued by the character so much that they are compelled to learn more about him, resulting in Jack The Ripper becoming one of, if not the most famously historic serial killer to date. He has become a major part of popular fiction and many books and films have been made that center around him as the main protagonist and antagonist. For my own story for assignment one of the module I wrote a story that was written in first person as if the author was Jack The Ripper titled Veiled Desire in an attempt to explain just why it was that 'Jack' went around and did what he did.

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