Thursday, 25 March 2010

Presentation Complete

I have finally completed my presentation and have managed to cover quite a few points discussing why it is that we as a society find Jack the Ripper so fascinating. To reflect back over the research I have done to piece it together however I would now confess that, if I wasn't fascinated before then I definately am now. I also, rather shamefully I might add, ordered the film From Hell from Amazon. He is one of the best horror icons of our time and I think we owe, at least the stories about him some credit, they are brilliant stories if nothing more.

Conclusion Problems

I am nearing the end of my presentation now and have hit a snag.

There is no possible way that I can successfully conclude the presentation, no definitive, factual summasion I can make other than Jack was a bad man but we all seem to like him. The only way I can put it is to state that the case of Jack the Ripper will always remain unclosed, the trail to find out who he was is long gone and he's nothing but a pile of bones now anyway, yet, what if he was a historic figure of good standing of which we have also all heard of from that time? A person that we all falsely honour and hold in high regard whilst he is laughing at us for all eternity from beyond the grave?

Jack the Ripper's Secret Confession

A book that came out January of this year, another example of how even during such recent times as these people are still searching for Jack. The book details the proggression of one mans journey into evil and how it is probable that the same man who appears in the book and who published books himself, could well be the real Jack the Ripper.


From scouring the internet and various written works I have stumbled across an idea that is of the utmost bizzare. The serial killer is held aloft on a pedestal in the center of modern popular culture and, by sifting through various internet blogs I have found that he is even held in reverance by some of the people who write on there. Added to this there are even some who believe him to be of supernatural origin, hence his constant evasiveness ultimately making him able to elude the authorities altogether.
Some say he had powers, some say that he was a vampire, some even say that he was an alien, and some, some say that he is still alive and well today. But, for me at least, the best rumour ever was posted on some blog or another I found whilst researching The Stand, it stated that the Man In Black, Randall Flagg was Jack the Ripper. It is unbelieveable how one serial killer from so long ago has managed to create such a fan following, such a status in modern civilisation. However, it is supposed that because of the nature of his crimes that he gave birth to the 'modern' serial killer, so I suppose in that respect it's no wonder, he's like a prophet that all those alike him can follow. (How nice for them).


It has been found that during the large influx of Jewish immigrants into England, the people, after losing their jobs to Jewish workers, were becoming increasingly more anti-semitic. Words found written on a wall after one murder stated that "The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing".
This appears that whoever wrote the message be it Jack or not, most definately had it in mind to ensight anti semitism in the Jews; whether or not it was Jack the Ripper who wrote it remains unknown but if it was, then there is definately at least some possible cause and motive, some reason behind the murders that for sure, we will never know. This writing was also used in the film From Hell and in the letters that Jack sent to the police in the film, showing that at least some people believe that it was him. I will include more information on this subject in my presentation.


Upon beginning the presentation I have descovered that perhaps one of the main reasons for Jack the Rippers fame stems from his actions having happened a long time ago and have since been significantly romanticised. This has been the case with many of such similar things, perhaps the most heard of being the mob and organised crime in general. Hence such films as The Godfather, Goodfellas and Scarface, all glorifying and romanticising organised crime.
This, I have found is the case with Jack the Ripper and why nowadays he has almost ceased to be a real person, a horrific serial killer, but almost a ficticious element of a story made up for the movies, it begs the question, will serial killers or people such as Joseph Fritzel be made into such characters in years to come? will films and books be written for financial gain?

Presentation Problems

Whilst planning to create the presentation I not discovered that there are far to many sources of information simply regarding the films but also a wealth of knowledge out there that does and does not concern the relevant facts that are needed to complete a factual presentation that is not just a list of different peoples theories. Outside of the recommended reading list it is hard to decipher the useful from the useless.
However, having said this, I am starting to for a general picture of just what people find so fascinating about this terrible character. I plan to split my presentation up into a series of slides, each of which tackling a different theory of the ripper.

The Presentation

In class we have been assigned to give a presentation on the infamous Jack The Ripper, a powerpoint comprised of a number of slides detailing the facts and fiction surrounding the character. At first I planned to analyse the films based on him but this proved too difficult because it is hard to narrow the details about him by just looking at the films.
Therefore i planned a presentation instead about just why people are so intrigued by the character so much that they are compelled to learn more about him, resulting in Jack The Ripper becoming one of, if not the most famously historic serial killer to date. He has become a major part of popular fiction and many books and films have been made that center around him as the main protagonist and antagonist. For my own story for assignment one of the module I wrote a story that was written in first person as if the author was Jack The Ripper titled Veiled Desire in an attempt to explain just why it was that 'Jack' went around and did what he did.